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James Jordan

Hello 👋 #

I am currently employed as Data Engineer with a wide range of personal interests and hobbies. This website merges those two worlds into one unique place. My goal is to use this website as an archive of my professional and personal endevors to better myself through writing and pass along my experiences to others.

Professional Bio #

The data-driven world in which we reside is here to stay, and I am excited to play a part in it. My passion lies in translating complex data challenges into innovative solutions that empower and harness the full potential data. Currently, I am working in healthcare, helping to construct tools that empower people to discover the best care at the most favorable price. Previous work included detecting unexploded ordnance using the potential of geophysical data! My professional experience originates from studying Geophysical Engineering at the esteemed Colorado School of Mines.

Skills #

  • Development: I typically am writing scripts in Python and Bash, but am working to add Rust to my toolbelt.
  • Databases: My SQL knowledge originates from my experience interacting with the following database technologies: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Reshfit, T-SQL
  • ETL: Often I am using Airflow, Jenkins, and AWS lambda, however, I am hoping to add Dagster to that list soon.
  • Cloud Services: AWS is my go-to cloud provider. I am certified as a Certified Cloud Practitioner and am currently studying for the next certification Certified Solutions Architech - Associate.
  • Version Control / Environments: I can navigate around git using Github and have experience containerizing scripts using Docker.
  • Operating Systems: I am comfortable with the three big OS systems. I love tinkering on computers and personally own and use Windows, MacOS, Linux computers.
  • Others: I find myself bouncing around all sorts of other computer systems and technologies constantly. I host my own smart home and media server using Proxmox, have developed a personal Alexa Skill to use in my smart home, and am now dabbiling in the world of these rapidly developing LLMs.

Personal Bio #

Exploring new ideas and experiences has been my lifelong compass. From a young age I have thrived on the excitement of learning, whether it be from books or keeping up with the latest technologies.

I find solace and inspiration within the pages of books, where the boundless realms of human thought and imagination unfold. Reading isn’t just a hobby, for me it is a way for me to explore diverse perspectives and travel through time, from ancient wisdom to cutting-edge technologies that shape our modern world.

Becoming a new dad to a baby boy has been a transformative chapter in my story. The journey of parenthood has added a whole new layer of learning and joy, as I navigate the uncharted waters of guiding a young life. Just as I’ve embraced new technologies, I now embrace the beautiful responsibility of fatherhood. Speaking of family, I’m blessed with the presence of a beautiful wife who shares in my aspirations and supports me on this journey. Our partnership adds an extra layer of strength and love to every endeavor we pursue together. I am forever grateful for her love and support as we voyage through live together.

Beneath the hood of my cars and home, I’m a hands-on enthusiast, confidently changing oil, performing routine maintenance, and building a smart home. These practical skills not only saves time and money but also reflects my commitment to understanding the intricacies of the various machines that drive us forward.

Above all, my life’s story is one of striving. Setbacks are inevitable, but I believe that each day presents an opportunity to inch closer to the best version of myself. I’m committed to this path of growth and improvement, embracing change as a catalyst for progress. By marrying the joys of parenthood, technological exploration, and the boundless potential of the human spirit, I aim to weave a narrative that inspires others to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and excellence.

Book Recommendations #

These are some of the books I have read, enjoyed, and would recommend to others.


  • Dostoevsky, Fyodor — Crime and Punishment
  • Dostoevsky, Fyodor — The Brothers Karamazov
  • Orwell, George — 1984

Psychology and History

  • Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr — The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation
  • Frankl, Viktor E. — Man’s Search for Meaning

Recently Read Books

  • Lomborg, Bjørn — False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet
  • Shellenberger, Michael — San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities
  • Peterson, Jordan B. — 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
James Jordan
James Jordan
Articulated thoughts for you to challenge.